Join us for a food adventure that nourishes both your body and soul!Cecilia guides you into the exciting world of the caveman diet, also known as paleo. Choose between nutritional advice, lectures and cooking courses.

Cecilia Paulsson has many years of experience in low carbohydrate as well as paleo nutrition. She is a nutritional advisor from the Paleo Institute. Contact her Cecilia on +46-76-320 84 74 or

About Paleo

”Paleo” comes from the word paleolithic, also known as the stone age. Paleo is a wide term used to describe how it is believed that our forebears lived before the advent of agriculture. Although our forefathers’ lives were often short and brutal, they did not suffer from our modern day Western diseases.

Modern day humans share the same DNA as paleolithic man. However, our lifestyles have changed radically: sugary and grainbased foods, processed vegetable fats, food additives, toxins in our environment, less sleep, sedentary lifestyles, constant stress and loneliness all contribute to our modern diseases. Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer are too common, but so are widely accepted ailments such as tummy upset, weight gain, acne and poor dental health.

When we instead make conscious lifestyle choices based on our caveman legacy, we find that we can improve, heal and avoid developing many of our modern diseases and ailments.

A good start is to choose foods that the human species has thrived on for millennia and hence is best suiteds for: vegetables, fish, meat, seafood, organ meats, eggs and natural fats, as well as nuts, seeds, berries, fruits and full fat dairy to a certain extent. In short – food that does not require a list of ingredients.

In paleo, other lifestyle components are just as important. A good night’s sleep, lower stress levels, more natural light, daily slow and steady movement (barefoot is a bonus!) as well as the occasional more strenuous activity to get your heart racing are all key to being and staying healthy.


Try something new and nourishing – learn how to make your own sauerkraut or how to cook organ meats! Both fermented foods and organ meats have fallen by the wayside in modern kitchens – despite being incredibly healthy!

Book with Cecilia on +46 (0)76-320 84 74 or Cecilia Paulsson has many years of experience in low carbohydrate as well as paleo nutrition. She is a licensed nutritionist and personal trainer from the Paleo Institute. Please let us know if you have any allergies when you book. The course is paid for in advance.

PLEASE NOTE, these courses are in Swedish. If you would like to discuss an English option, please contact us.


Learn how to preserve seasonal vegetables while doing your GUT a big favour – learn how to ferment! During these workshops we learn how to ferment both vegetables and probiotic drinks, while discussing various ways to better digestion.
Get in touch with us on eller +46(0)76-3208474 you would like to combine the courses with an overnight stay.
Join us at PaulssonPaleo to learn all about the why and how of making sauerkraut, kimchi, kvass and kombucha. Not only will your creations add exciting tang to any dish, they will keep your tummy happy as well.
Sauerkraut workshop, 09:30-12:00: Introduction to fermentation. History lesson, fermentation vocabulary. 
Lunch break, 12:00 – 13:00
Kimchi, kvass & kombucha, 13:00-15:30: Introduction to other types of fermentation. Presentation, discussion and tasting: fermented drinks and vegetables. Make your own kimchi carrots.

Price: 1,195 SEK – 15% off if 2 or more spots are booked at the same time!

5. Föreläsningar

Do something different with your friends or colleagues! We hold lectures and workshops on various health-related subjects as well as whole retreats for different types of groups. Contact us for package solutions and price examples.

4. Kostrådgivning

Learn how the food you eat affects your body, what you can do to avoid or alleviate many modern diseases and everyday ailments and how to make healthy choices in everyday life. PaulssonPaleo’s own recipe collection will help you create simple, yet tasty dishes to nourish your body. Your unique needs and goals dictate the pace and content of our sessions.

Price: 4,300 SEK for one person for 4 online sessions of nutritional advice over 5-8 weeks. Each session is 60 minutes long. We offer full support via telephone and email in-between. PaulssonPaleo’s recipe collection is part of the package, and includes everything you need to get started on your paleo journey.


Nutritional optimisation or trial session
A nutritional consultation is for those of you who have already embarked on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle but need tips to further optimise your health OR are a bit unsure of whether nutrional advice is right for you. During our consultation we will review your current lifestyle and health status, focusing on your specific areas of concern. You will receive practical advice on how you can start changing your diet completely, or fine-tune certain elements.

Price: 1,200 SEK for a 60 minute consultation.